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At the moment all tokens of EditArt collections are displayed individually under the 'created' tab of the creator's profile....
Since more and more people are leaving X for BlueSky it would be very nice to have the option to add a link zu ones BlueSky in...
And then let users toggle currencies on the UI in their settings / as part of their welcome tutorial. Edit: filter what...
The ability to embed uploads directly from Objkt with custom UI. (Addition: could develop some sort of authenticity marker if...
Hi team, There are lots of interesting items on that I'm sure the community would love to purchase....
Add a highlighted artworks section above the fold on the Created page. Artist can choose specific pieces to have above the...
An animated thing can be both a gif and a video, a video can have different encodings, a jpeg can be a png, etc. Make it...
It's all there. You have the info in the metadata and in your API already. Make it clear on the front. if you don't want it to...
It would be helpful to be able to sort and search bookmarked items in the same ways we can on other pages (i.e. by age, list...
Hi objkt team I have a suggestion. This representation in the UI, tied to the current XTZ price, is counterproductive and...