Artoholic6 |
Users receive a lot of unwanted offers, especially with a large collection. Custom global settings are a great way to reduce these easily. Opensea already offers a useful global “mute below (price)”. OBJKT.com should offer global “mute offers below x tez” and “mute offers below x% of original sale price” (Eg 200% if you’re only interested in sales that double your spend ). You could also customise these more granularly per artist and OBJKT. a simple “mute OBJKT” and “mute artist” would also be useful.
Activity Newest / Oldest
This is live? How do we disable notification for a determinate piece we own?
Status changed to: Live
Acid Boy
decide which notification we want to have. Like disable the notifications from new minted pieces, but enable the sales and bid.
Merged with: Notification selection
Is really bad keep receiving offers for a item you dont wanna sell or low offers.
Option to receive all notifications or some from someone you follow. Like I want to know sometimes what all the person I follow is minting but when it's the same project I don't need to know each time said person minting another one. like youtube you can receive all notifications or some or none
Merged with: Notification control
I LOVE the notifications feature that was recently implemented, but with certain artist' collection, the offer notifications just constantly come in, all day/night.
I was thinking that you could set a minimum amount option to get offer notifications. Say a check box for initial investment, with fees % factored in so that the seller receives the same amount they paid for the NFT originally without taking a hit for the royalty.
On top of this, you could allow a custom amount to be set for minimum amount for notifications to be visible. For instance after clicking the initial investment box above, you then can add a value in tezos at a minimum range value you would entertain. Say inital investment + 5 xtz. So you would only receive offer notifications when those thresholds were met. Or just allow a flat out minimum XTZ amount to be entered and any amount under it will not notify said holder(s) when they are made.
Merged with: Refinable notifications options
Currently we receive notifications for everything. Since follow/followers we’re added, we receive notifications about the activities of those we follow as well. It would be great if we could curate our own custom notification settings.
Merged with: Edit notifications
Status changed to: In progress
Juliano Araujo
One of the best functionalities of Objkt is doomed to be less and less used if the the possibility of turning off the notifications of items the person don't want to sell is not included.
This requires too much manual management. I’d vote for global settings like “mute offers below x” or “mute offers below x% of original sale price”. You could also have local settings like “mute OBJKT” or “mute artist”